Here is a comparison in how small penetrating arteries in the cerebellum differ between normotensive and hypertensive decedents. First here…
The decedent was a 70 year old man with obesity, diabetes mellitus type II, history of heavy tobacco use who…
UPDATE: This case was originally posted as an unknown. The consensus of emails and a mailinglist I read is that…
Here is an interesting case of a gunshot wound with mildly unusual residue. This is a young man who shot…
This is a case of a man shot multiple times. On external examination, one of the wounds looked suspiciously like…
A young adult male with a long history of poorly controlled type I diabetes mellitus died of diabetic ketoacidosis. The…
This is the case of a young adult male who jumped approximately 150 feet off of a cliff into deep…
In the past month or so, I’ve had two cases of sarcoidosis, one diagnosed antemortem and one unsuspected. Both died…
I know we’ve all seen this a thousand times, but I’m adding these images just in case someone needs it…
This is a case of cosleeping-related mechanical asphyxia where the parents awoke to find the child wedged between the bed…